Parc National des Écrins

Last weekend Tanya and I went to the Parc National des Écrins, near Grenoble in France. There we met up with our friends Andrew and Alex, and we spent our time hanging out, talking about pine martens, drinking French wine, and walking in the mountains. It was amazing. Here's what happened:

We decided on two walks to do - one medium, the other long.

We decided on two walks to do - one medium, the other long.

The mountains were epically beautiful.

The mountains were epically beautiful.

Every valley contained a fast-flowing river, and we saw lots of waterfalls.

Every valley contained a fast-flowing river, and we saw lots of waterfalls.

There were wildflowers everywhere.

There were wildflowers everywhere.

We saw a viper! (Not pictured).

We saw a viper! (Not pictured).

We ate lunch at a refuge at the snow-line.

We ate lunch at a refuge at the snow-line.

Tomme de Savoie has become one of my favourite things.

Tomme de Savoie has become one of my favourite things.

We finished our first day walk with a beer here.

We finished our first day walk with a beer here.

And an epic cheese platter.

And an epic cheese platter.

Our second walk was a lot bigger than the first.

Our second walk was a lot bigger than the first.

We saw L'Olan (3564 m).

We saw L'Olan (3564 m).

The climb was totally worth it for the view.

The climb was totally worth it for the view.

My boot suffered a comprehensive failure and had to be fixed with duct tape.

My boot suffered a comprehensive failure and had to be fixed with duct tape.

We got back to the valley floor at sunset.

We got back to the valley floor at sunset.


And it was so summery Tanya had to cool herself with a piece of ice.


Summer is here!

